Never Meant

December 11, 2011 § 19 Comments

instant attraction
immediate deception
for the timing wasn’t right
still agreed to a pointless night

devoured by self indulgence
the reality is of absence
with a pact they shared
destined to be unfair

temperamental to her
she’s such a story teller
no lies both said
but still they go straight in bed

soon jealousy unfolds
he became ice-cold
she longed for more
but he ignored

each can’t deny
as days passes by
the depth of what they’ve done
for they knew all will be gone

in another life time she said
i’ll give her up for you he begged
revelation was never an option
for it will lead to present destruction

as season changes
their lives rearranges
she’s still up with her tricks and whatnots
with another girl he ties the knot.

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